Ice Ceiling

She feels like she is trapped in the sea under an ice cold ceiling with spiky icicles that are razor sharp. she pushes scratches and thumps trying to get out but the spikes pierce her skin and the ice hurts her hands but never numbs the pain. With a glass ceiling at least she could […]

musical showers

It was a sunny day compared to the previous days of rain so they decided to go and sit in the sun with ‘Betsey’. They walked together guitar in hand following a canal, passing under bridges until they found a bench. Written on this bench was the word sexy and for some unknown reason she […]

He needs her

She sits in her top and underwear on the leather chair that they once lay on together. She has sat there for so long now that she knows when she stands up to lie next to him, her legs will not want to leave the leather and stick to it. She taps on the keys harmoniously with […]

This isn’t how things are meant to be

Even when they were apart she knew they had to be together again. Now they are together, they are yet still apart. A relationship consists of being one, they are not one. They are two people, one infatuated,  the other mildly bothered. That is not what she meant by being together. She meant,  random texts through out the […]