A walk a hug and a phase

“can i have my earphones back” He still had one thing that was hers, and she decided it was time to cut all ties.   She asked for the earphones back with an unearthed confidence.  He was busy, so she waited as the cold December air made its way through the layers to her skin. She lent against wall, feet together […]

Ice Ceiling

She feels like she is trapped in the sea under an ice cold ceiling with spiky icicles that are razor sharp. she pushes scratches and thumps trying to get out but the spikes pierce her skin and the ice hurts her hands but never numbs the pain. With a glass ceiling at least she could […]

This isn’t how things are meant to be

Even when they were apart she knew they had to be together again. Now they are together, they are yet still apart. A relationship consists of being one, they are not one. They are two people, one infatuated,  the other mildly bothered. That is not what she meant by being together. She meant,  random texts through out the […]


She is gradually finding herself. Discovering what she enjoys doing and discovering she might just be okay alone without him by her side. Then he lets slip the words ‘i still love you’ Her heart doesn’t even begin to race. Just like when he said ‘i don’t think we should be together any more’. She didn’t believe him. She makes jokes and […]